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CD author wins TU/e Academic Award

We are extremely proud to announce that Koen Minartz, lead researcher and inventor of the original CD static algorithm, has won the prestigious TU/e Best Master Thesis award for the academic year 2021-2022 for his work on Correlation Detective. In his thesis, Koen worked on scalable detection of complex similarities in big (static) data which contributed to the paper Multivariate Correlations Discovery in Static and Streaming data (VLDB 2022).

The TU/e Academic Awards is an annual event where Eindhoven University of Technology celebrates students and researchers who produced the best thesis, in four different categories: Bachelor, Master, EngD, and PhD. For each category, one student/researcher is nominated from each department. Winners are chosen by an independent multidisciplinary panel of professors.

This award is a well deserved recognition for his hard work on the project, leading to a honourable graduation and a paper at a prestigious conference. Check out Koen’s pitch and the list of candidates here

Koen is currently working as a PhD student at the TU/e Data Mining group under the supervision of Vlado Menkovski. Although Koen is still affiliated with the Correlation Detective project, he is currently focusing on simulation of biological systems with Machine Learning techniques. LinkedIn