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Correlation Detective at VLDB22 in Sydney

As part of the publication Multivariate Correlations Discovery in Static and Streaming data (VLDB 2022), Koen and Jens travelled down (under) to Sydney, Australia to present their work at the 48th International Conference on Very Large Databases. VLDB is a premier annual international forum for data management, scalable data science and database researchers, vendors, practitioners, application developers, and users.

Besides a formal presentation, Correlation Detective was showcased at a poster session, where both authors answered questions from passing researchers, and shared our vision with industry representatives. All in all it was a very successful trip, filled with interesting talks, feedback, and (not to forget) amazing food at an amazing venue.

We would like to thank the members of the Organizing Committee for their hard work and giving us the opportunity to spread our word. Below you’ll find a pre-recorded version of Jens’ presentation at the conference, including some mood impressions of the event.

Cheers mate!